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The Present Picture of New South Wales (1811) by David Dickinson Mann
page 2 of 150 (01%)
Governors, until the Arrival of John Hunter, Esq. and his
Assumption of the Government.--Printing Press set up.--Cattle
lost, and Discovery of their Progeny in a wild State.--Playhouse
opened.--Houses numbered.--Assessments for the building of a
Country Gaol.--Town Clock at Sidney.--Natives.--
Convicts.--Improvement of the Colony.--Seditious Dispositions of
the Convicts.--Departure of Governor Hunter.--His Character and
Government.--Comparison of Stock, etc.--Governor King assumes
the Command of the Settlement--Table of Specie Vessel laden with
Spirits sent away.--Earthquake.--Inundation at the
Hawkesbury.--First Criminal for Forgery executed.--Atlas struck
by Lightning.--Tempests.--Desertions of the Convicts.--Newspaper
established.--Murders.--Singular Execution.--Lieutenant--Governor
Collins forms a new Settlement.--Insurrection of the
Convicts.--The Introduction and Progress of Vaccination, and its
subsequent Loss.--Influx of the Sea at Norfolk Island.--Limits of
Counties defined.--Ship overset in a Tempest.


Abstract of General Orders.--Arrival of Governor
Bligh.--George Barrington.--Blue Mountains.--Journey
thither.--New Market at Sydney.--Vessels seized and carried away
by the Convicts.--Natives.--Cruelty of the Savages in Bateman's
Bay.--Arrival of Masters for the Orphan Schools.--New Storehouse


Agriculture, etc.
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