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The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1, No. 28, May 20, 1897 - A Weekly Magazine for Boys and Girls by Various
page 20 of 46 (43%)
time in the German army. He refused to do this, on the ground that he was
an American citizen.

He was nevertheless claimed by the authorities and forced to join the

In Germany there is a law, that every young man who reaches the age of
twenty-one must go into the army and serve as a soldier for two years.

The very day the young Germans come of age they are bound to offer
themselves for military service.

In many of the towns, advertisements are put in the newspapers giving the
names of the lads who are nearing the age of twenty-one, and telling them
where to report for duty.

In other places the military authorities send each young man an order to
report for duty on the morning of his birthday.

There is no avoiding this service, which was formerly for three years, but
has been changed to two.

The young men who do not answer the call are searched for, and, when
found, slightly punished.

Lads who are in foreign countries are ordered home. If they do not report
for military service within a certain space of time, they are punished
with an extra year of service.

When young Mayer was forced to join the German army, he appealed to the
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