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The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1, No. 28, May 20, 1897 - A Weekly Magazine for Boys and Girls by Various
page 24 of 46 (52%)
sat on the mats outside the tepee, and had a long session together,
communicating by means of signs.

The chief rode in the Grant parade, taking his place beside Colonel Cody.

* * * * *

King Humbert of Italy had a narrow escape the other day.

He was driving, when a man made a rush at the royal carriage, sprang on
the step, and tried to stab the King.

His Majesty happily saw the blow coming, and, rising, struck the man's
wrist. The dagger turned, and buried itself in the cushions of the

There was great confusion for a moment. The crowds which lined the streets
rushed forward to the royal carriage; but the King's escort charged them,
and drove them back.

The King was very little alarmed, and ordered his coachman to drive on.

The would-be assassin was caught by the soldiers, and proved to be a
blacksmith, who is thought to be insane.

The news of the affair reached the palace before the King. When he reached
there he was greeted with shouts of welcome, and had to bow again and
again to show the people that he was safe and sound.

He appears to have treated the matter very lightly, and is reported to
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