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The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1, No. 28, May 20, 1897 - A Weekly Magazine for Boys and Girls by Various
page 7 of 46 (15%)
" Brief (after 1890) 35
" General 60
Eggleston's First Book 20
" Large U.S. 35
Fiske's 35
Gardiner's England 35
Greene's Short Hist. of Eng. 40
Hansell's History 20
Hendrick's Empire State 15
Higginson's (after 1895) 30
" England 30
Johnston's Shorter U.S. 20
" Larger " 35
Montgomery's Begins. U.S. 20
" Large " 35
" France 35
" England 35
Mowry's U.S. 30
Myer's Greece 35
" Rome 35
Myer's Medieval 50
" General 50
" Ancient 50
Parley's Universal (718 pp.) 25
Ploetz' Epitome 40
Pratt's History Stories 10
Sheldon's Amer. History 30
" General " 40
Swinton's Outlines " 40
" N. School " 30
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