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The Loving Ballad of Lord Bateman by Charles Dickens;William Makepeace Thackeray
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For the notes to this beautiful Poem, see the end of the work.

[Illustration: Lord Bateman as he appeared previous to his embarkation.]

[Illustration: The Turk's only daughter approaches to mitigate the
sufferings of Lord Bateman!--]


He sail-ed east, he sail-ed vest,
Until he come to famed Tur-key,
Vere he vos taken, and put to prisin,
Until his life was quite wea-ry.


All in this prisin there grew a tree,
O! there it grew so stout and strong,
Vere he vos chain-ed all by the middle
Until his life vos almost gone.

[Illustration: The Turk's daughter expresses a wish as Lord Bateman was


This Turk[2] he had one ounly darter,
The fairest my two eyes e'er see,
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