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The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1, No. 32, June 17, 1897 - A Weekly Magazine for Boys and Girls by Various
page 16 of 43 (37%)
Hawaii agrees, or gives a good reason for refusing.

Should Hawaii refuse, he declares that he shall leave the islands, and,
returning to Japan, cut off all diplomatic relations with the Sandwich

If he is driven to this action, he declares that there is only one
course open to his Government; and he darkly hints that this will be to
declare war.

* * * * *

Great preparations are being made in London for the celebration of Queen
Victoria's Jubilee.

On the 20th of June she will have reigned sixty years, and the event
will be marked by parades and processions and festivities of all kinds.

All the colonies of Great Britain have sent over soldiers and important
people to take part in the affair, and all the nations of the world are
sending representatives.

There will be kings and princes by the dozen, and great men of all races
and shades of color.

With the city filling with strangers, come from all parts of the earth
to do honor to the Queen, it has caused a good deal of surprise and pain
that Ireland should come to the front as the one nation that will not
join in the general festivities.

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