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The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1, No. 32, June 17, 1897 - A Weekly Magazine for Boys and Girls by Various
page 23 of 43 (53%)
The destructive nature of earthquakes depends very much upon the nature
of the ground. Sometimes the movement will be felt very slightly, and no
damage will be done. At others, a hard bed of rock will lie in the path
of the wave; it will not bend and move the rest of the ground, but
splits in two, and then a fissure, or opening in the ground, is formed.

* * * * *

There is a new break in the levees near New Orleans.

Since the Mississippi River began to fall, the danger was supposed to be
over, and the guards and inspectors who had been patrolling the levees
became a trifle careless.

The present break, therefore, found the people quite unprepared to deal
with it; and it was some hours after the trouble had occurred before
help could be obtained.

This new crevasse is said to have been caused by the caving in of the
bank, a thing which often happens as the waters subside.

The engineers had been warned that this might happen, but unfortunately
did not heed the warning.

The direct result of the Mississippi floods will be an appeal to the
United States Government to take charge of the levees along the entire
length of the river.

These matters at present are managed by Levee Boards, who control the
banks of the river for certain distances, and through certain districts.
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