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The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1, No. 32, June 17, 1897 - A Weekly Magazine for Boys and Girls by Various
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after her.

A few miles south of Miami, Florida, the _Marblehead_ came upon a tug
carrying a cargo out to the _Dauntless_, which was lying out at sea,
with steam up ready to start at a moment's notice.

The _Marblehead_ seized the tug, and sent her back to port. The
_Dauntless_, realizing what had happened, started off down the coast as
fast as she could steam, the _Marblehead_ in hot pursuit.

At last, after a very long chase, the cruiser captured the filibuster,
and took her to Key West, where she will be placed under arrest, and
treated as the _Three Friends_ was.

It seems as if the time had come for the governments of Spain and the
United States to find a means of settling the Cuban question. This idea
is so strongly impressed on people's minds that the news of battles and
filibustering expeditions is not half so eagerly listened to as are the
debates on Cuba in the Spanish Cortes and the American Congress.

* * * * *

The Porte, as the Turkish Government is called, lost no time in sending
a reply to the note from the Powers.

Turkey said she would be quite willing to talk over the terms of peace
with the Powers, provided certain formalities about signing the
armistice and the treaty of peace were followed by the Greeks.

The European situation grows more serious daily. There is little hope of
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