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Scientific American Supplement, No. 794, March 21, 1891 by Various
page 2 of 146 (01%)

II. CHEMISTRY.--Carbon in Organic Substances.--By J. MESSINGER.--
An improved method of determining carbon by inorganic
combustions.--1 illustration.

III. CIVIL ENGINEERING.--A New Integrator.--By Prof. KARL
PEARSON. M.A.--An apparatus for use for the engineer in working
up areas, indicator diagrams, etc.--4 illustrations.

Best Diameter of Car Wheels.--The size of car wheels from the
standpoint of American engineering.--A plea for a moderate sized

Improved Overhead Steam Traveling Crane.--A crane constructed
for use in steel works.--Great power and range.--3 illustrations.

Some Hints on Spiking Track.--A most practical article for telling
exactly how to conduct the operation on the ground.--1 illustration.

IV. ELECTRICITY.--Electrical Laboratory for Amateurs.--By GEO.
M. HOPKINS.--A simple collection of apparatus for conducting a
complete series of electrical experiments.--17 illustrations.

The Action of the Silent Discharge on Chlorine.--How an electric
discharge affects chlorine gas.--An important negative result.

V. ETHNOLOGY.--Some Winnebago Arts.--An interesting article
upon the arts of the Winnebago Indians.--A recent paper before
the New York Academy of Sciences.

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