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The Gay Lord Quex - A Comedy in Four Acts by Arthur Wing Pinero
page 15 of 296 (05%)
This is her.

[_A middle-aged lady enters from the private room, followed by_ SOPHY
FULLGARNEY. _The customer pays at the desk while_ SOPHY _rattles on._
SOPHY _is a pretty, elegant, innocently vulgar, fascinating young woman
of six-and-twenty._


[_With the air of the proprietress of a prosperous establishment._] Oh,
yes, it did slip my memory to come on Thursday, didn't it? The truth is
I had a most racking head, a thing I never have--well, I oughtn't to say
never have, ought I? [_To_ MISS LIMBIRD.] Now, Miss Limbird, see that
two pots of Crème de Mimosa are posted to Mrs. Arment, Carlos Place; and
book me, please--_me_--you thoroughly understand?--to attend upon Miss
Arment to-morrow evening at seven. [_Accompanying the customer, who now
withdraws._] To-morrow evening at seven--without fail. [_Raising her
voice._] The door, Miss Claridge. Good morning, madam. Good afternoon.

[_The door-gong sounds._


Come, girls, you can get to your lunches.

[MISS LIMBIRD _leaves her desk and goes out._


Here's Mr. Valma, Miss Fullgarney.
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