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The Gay Lord Quex - A Comedy in Four Acts by Arthur Wing Pinero
page 22 of 296 (07%)
Then why bestow a second thought upon your beginnings?


No, I suppose I oughtn't to. Nobody can breathe a word against my
respectability. All the same, I am quite aware that it mightn't be over
pleasant for a gentleman to remember that his wife was once--[_sitting
in the screen-chair_] well, a servant.


[_By her chair._] It would not weigh on my mind if you had been
kitchen-maid [_pointing out of the window_] at Fletcher's Hotel.
[_Looking about him._] It's this business I don't care for.


This business!


For _you_. If you did no more than glide about your rooms,
superintending your young ladies! [_Sitting, facing her._] But I hate
the idea of your sitting here, or there, holding some man's hand in


[_Suddenly ablaze._] Do you! [_Pointing out of the window._] Yet you sit
there, day after day, and hold women's hands in yours!
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