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The Gay Lord Quex - A Comedy in Four Acts by Arthur Wing Pinero
page 48 of 296 (16%)

No. She's behaving admirably. [_Thoughtfully--with a wry face._] Of
course she was always a little romantic and sentimental.


By gad though, what an alluring woman!


[_Shortly._] Perhaps.


Ho, come! you don't mean to tell me--?


[_With dignity._] Yes, I do--upon my honour, I've forgotten. [_The
door-gong sounds._] This must be the ladies.

MURIEL EDEN _enters, followed by_ MISS CLARIDGE. MURIEL _is a tall,
fresh-looking, girlish young woman, prettily dressed._ SOPHY _rises and
meets her._


[_Behind the circular table--to_ SOPHY, _breathlessly, as if from the
exertion of running upstairs._] Well, Sophy! [_Looking round._] Is Lord
Quex--? [SOPHY _glances towards_ QUEX, _who advances._] Oh, yes. [_To_
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