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The Gay Lord Quex - A Comedy in Four Acts by Arthur Wing Pinero
page 54 of 296 (18%)

[_Turning to them sharply._] Hsst!




[_Grasping her arm._] Haven't you one loving little speech for me?


[_Behind the table._] Gar--r--rh!

[_He releases_ MURIEL _and picks up a large wooden bowl of bath-soap,
just as_ MISS LIMBIRD _re-enters with the hot water._ MURIEL _moves
away, hastily._


[_To_ BASTLING, _taking the soap from him--raising her voice._] Thank
you--much obliged. [_Transferring the soap to_ MISS LIMBIRD _and
relieving her of the bowl of water._] For Captain Bastling, with a
bottle of Fleur de Lilas.

[MISS LIMBIRD _returns to her desk;_ SOPHY _deposits the bowl of water
upon the arm of the screen-chair;_ BASTLING _fetches his hat, and gives
some directions to_ MISS LIMBIRD.

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