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The Gay Lord Quex - A Comedy in Four Acts by Arthur Wing Pinero
page 65 of 296 (21%)
[_Leaning against the edge of the circular table, gripping_ MURIEL'S
_hand._] Just for your sake, darling. [_In a low voice._] I almost wish
_I_ could come across him in some quiet little shady spot--


[_Looking up at_ SOPHY, _horrified._] What!


In one of those greeny nooks you've told me of, at Fauncey Court.
[_Between her teeth._] If he ever tried to kiss _me_, and I told you of
it, you'd take my word for it, wouldn't you?


[_Starting to her feet._] For shame! how dare you let such an idea enter
your head? you, a respectable girl, just engaged yourself--!


[_With a quick look towards the window._] Oh, yes! hush! [_Clapping her
hand to her mouth._] Oh, what would Valma say if he knew I'd talked in
this style!

[_The door-gong sounds._


Here they are.
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