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Same old Bill, eh Mable! by Edward Streeter
page 2 of 87 (02%)

_Copyright, 1919, by_
Frederick A. Stokes Company


The rightful place for a preface is at the end of a book or, better
still, the scrap basket. My only reason for setting it here is lest
someone read and, misunderstanding, take offense.

Not for one moment has there been any thought of making light of that
splendid, almost foolhardy, bravery which has characterized the
American soldier. It was he himself who made light of it, as he did of
the whole war, and probably would of doomsday.

Nor is there anything unkind or deprecating in his attitude toward the
Frenchman. He met a race so distinct from his in ideals and customs
that there was no basis for understanding. Failing to understand, he
followed his usual rule in such instances and laughed.

One of those veterans of a dozen battles, chancing to glance over
these pages, may say that the dangers and horrors of those last five
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