The Gist of Swedenborg by Emanuel Swedenborg
page 40 of 72 (55%)
page 40 of 72 (55%)
--_Arcana Coelestia, n._ 2568 THE FAITH OF THE FAITHFUL It is one thing to know truths, another to acknowledge them, and yet another to have faith in them. Only the faithful can have faith. --_Arcana Coelestia, n._ 896 The only faith that endures with man springs from heavenly love. Those without love have knowledge merely, or persuasion. Just to believe in truth and in the Word is not faith. Faith is to love truth, and to will and do it from inward affection for it. --_Heaven and Hell, n._ 482 If a man thinks to himself or says to another, "Who can have that inward acknowledgment of truth which is faith? I cannot," I will tell him how he may: "Shun evils as sins, and go to the Lord, and you will have as much as you desire." --_Doctrine Concerning Faith, n._ 12 NEIGHBORS Not only is the individual man the neighbor, but the collective man, too. A society, smaller or larger, is the neighbor; the Church is; the |