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Folk Lore - Superstitious Beliefs in the West of Scotland within This Century by James Napier
page 2 of 177 (01%)
Introduction, 1
Birth and Childhood, 29
Marriage, 43
Death, 56
Witchcraft, Second Sight, and the Black Art, 67
Charms and Counter Charms, 79
Divining, 105
Superstitions Relating to Animals, 111
Superstitions Concerning Plants, 122
Miscellaneous Superstitions, 132


Yule, Beltane, and Hallowe'en Festivals, 145
Yule, 149
Beltane, 161
Midsummer, 170
Hallowe'en, 175


The doctrine taught concerning Satan, his motives and influence in the
beginning of this century, supplied the popular mind with reasons to
account for almost all the evils, public and private, which befell
society; and as the observed ills of life, real or imaginary, greatly
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