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The Faithful Steward - Or, Systematic Beneficence an Essential of Christian Character by Sereno D. Clark
page 22 of 81 (27%)
just the amount of action to be put forth, in any one direction; but the
heart and conscience of each, guided by wisdom from above, are to direct
him. It is thus with Angels and the redeemed about the throne. A holy
heart, bathed in the truth of heaven, is all the general rule they need
to enable them to discharge their duties, and to adapt themselves to the
various circumstances in which they may be placed to eternity. Such is
their moral state, that the least intimation of Jehovah's will sends
them speeding on wings of fire to do his pleasure. The Gospel places
man on earth in the same relation to him, and intends that he shall act
on the same general principles. It teaches us that all we have belongs
to God, and that all we do must be done to his glory. A soul, permeated
by this heavenly spirit, would find a knowledge of the destitution and
woes of others, and an ability to relieve them, a sufficient stimulant
and guide. Angel-like, it would send forth spontaneously the
felicitating streams which the Gospel appoints.

This is the source and spirit of all Gospel benevolence. Says Paul,
"Every man according as he purposeth" (desireth or chooseth) "in his
heart, so let him give." There is to be no constraint. The working of
individual good-will is to be the measure of individual bounty; for "God
loveth a cheerful giver."*[This principle does not apply to the support
of a pastor. _Paul_ does not put charity and the support of the pastor
on the same ground. Compare 2 Cor. Viii. and ix. With 1 Cor. ix. Other
elements come in, modifying the result in the latter case. 1. The idea
of wages. 2. The idea of copartnership. Each member of the church, on
principles of common honesty, is bound to bear his share of the common
expenses.] But though no given proportion of property is definitely
enjoined, there are certain general principles laid down, by which we may
make approximations towards a proportionate amount, and never be at a
loss respecting individual gifts in specific instances when the heart is
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