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The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1, No. 34, July 1, 1897 - A Weekly Magazine for Boys and Girls by Various
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which this gentleman made on his return it would seem impossible any
longer to deny that actual warfare is being carried on in Cuba.

When Mr. Calhoun was questioned on the subject, he replied:

"War is going on in the island. True, no great battles are being
fought, no Gettysburgs or Chickamaugas, but there is war nevertheless."

He was asked if he thought the war would soon be over. He said he could
not form any idea about it; all he knew was that a very cruel war was
going on, and that both sides were doing their best to ruin the country.

Some people who profess to know say that any action taken by the United
States will be in the line of home rule for Cuba. The President
questioned Mr. Calhoun very closely as to the possibility of the Cubans
accepting home rule, and Mr. Calhoun replied that he thought the Cubans
generally would be in favor of such a measure.

Spain is thought to be willing to agree to some arrangement of this
character. The rebellion in Cuba is costing her between eight and ten
million dollars a month, and it is supposed that she will be willing to
get out of her difficulties if she can find a way.

The stumbling-block in the way of home rule is that there has been
created a debt of many million dollars as a result of the war. If Spain
does not make the payment of this enormous sum of money by Cuba the
condition of granting home rule, the matter may soon be arranged. Should
Spain insist on the payment of this money, Cuba will have to fight until
the end, for it is quite impossible for her to meet any such demand.

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