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The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1, No. 34, July 1, 1897 - A Weekly Magazine for Boys and Girls by Various
page 19 of 60 (31%)
it is believed to have been a Cuban victory, with heavy losses on the
Spanish side.

* * * * *

There is some very important news about Hawaii this week.

A treaty, whereby Hawaii is to be annexed to the United States, has been
prepared, approved by the President, signed by the representatives of
both governments, and sent to the Senate for consideration.

The way it all came about was this.

We have been telling you from week to week about the angry feeling that
has been growing between Hawaii and Japan.

Last week we told you how threatening the Japanese Minister had become,
and that he hinted that diplomatic relations between the two countries
would be severed.

The Hawaiian Government became very much alarmed at this, and the two
gentlemen who had been sent to the United States to try and bring about
the annexation were instructed to go once more to our Government and beg
that something be done before it was too late.

_Annexing_ means joining to. You know what an annex to a house is--that
it is a few extra rooms built beside the house, and joined permanently
to it. When one country annexes another it makes it part of itself. The
new lands are permanently joined to the old, and are regarded as a part
of the whole.
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