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The Wrong Box by Robert Louis Stevenson;Lloyd Osbourne
page 61 of 221 (27%)
prepare the house, and get another servant. But I couldn't get one I

'Then you are utterly alone,' said Gideon in amazement. 'Are you not

'No,' responded Julia stoutly. 'I don't see why I should be more afraid
than you would be; I am weaker, of course, but when I found I must sleep
alone in the house I bought a revolver wonderfully cheap, and made the
man show me how to use it.'

'And how do you use it?' demanded Gideon, much amused at her courage.

'Why,' said she, with a smile, 'you pull the little trigger thing on
top, and then pointing it very low, for it springs up as you fire, you
pull the underneath little trigger thing, and it goes off as well as if
a man had done it.'

'And how often have you used it?' asked Gideon.

'O, I have not used it yet,' said the determined young lady; 'but I
know how, and that makes me wonderfully courageous, especially when I
barricade my door with a chest of drawers.'

'I'm awfully glad they are coming back soon,' said Gideon. 'This
business strikes me as excessively unsafe; if it goes on much longer,
I could provide you with a maiden aunt of mine, or my landlady if you

'Lend me an aunt!' cried Julia. 'O, what generosity! I begin to think it
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