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The Little Colonel's Chum: Mary Ware by Annie Fellows Johnston
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breath to ask about the trunk. We were half way home before he got
around to that.

"He said his first thought when they told him of his promotion
was, 'Now Mary can have her heart's desire and go away to school.'
And on the way to New York he planned it all out, how we'd give up
the Wigwam, and take a house in Lone-Rock, and he'd get some one to
help Mamma with the work, and he'd have Norman under his eye all
the time when he was out of school, and keep him out of mischief.
He's been wanting to do that ever since he went to the mines, for
there never was such a home-body. He can't bear to board.

"Nearly all of that little scrap of a visit he and Joyce had
together, those blessed children spent in getting my clothes. Joyce
has all my measurements, and they got me three dresses and a hat
and a lot of shirt-waists and gloves and fixings, all so beautiful
and stylish and New Yorkey, _and_ the fine big trunk to put them
in. There was even a new brush and comb and mirror, for she
remembered how ratty looking my old things were. And there was a
letter portfolio and a silk umbrella and a lot of odds and ends
that all school-girls need. I don't believe they overlooked a thing
to make my outfit complete, and I know they're as nice as any the
others will have, for Joyce has such good taste and always knows
just what is fit and proper. I feel so elegant in my pretty blue
travelling suit, and I'm just aching for a chance to wear the
beautiful little evening dresses they chose, one white pongee, and
the other some new sort of goods that looks just like a soft
shimmery cloud, a regular picture dress.

"Jack went on to the mines next day, and after that everything was
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