"I was there" - with the Yanks in France by Cyrus Leroy Baldridge
page 14 of 38 (36%)
page 14 of 38 (36%)
machine guns.
France 1917 [Illustration: "American Field Service" drivers at Longpont/1917] [Illustration: The "Territorial"...] The "Territorial"--the name given French poilu between the ages of 34 and 40 Vailly--1917 [Illustration: The Paris Bus...] Noyon, 1918 The Paris Bus--many kilometers from the Place de l'Opèra--used for transporting troops, horses, and fresh meat to the front FATIGUE You can see 'em in the movies, With the sunlight on their guns, You can read in all the papers Of the charge that licked the Huns, You can read of "khaki heroes" And of "gleaming bayonet," |