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The Original Fables of La Fontaine - Rendered into English Prose by Fredk. Colin Tilney by Jean de La Fontaine
page 30 of 95 (31%)
their own senses, another will swear that the senses never deceive. Both
are right. Philosophy truly affirms that the senses will deceive so long
as men are content to take upon trust the evidence the senses bring. But
if this evidence is weighed, measured, and tested by every available
resource of science the senses can deceive no one.

* * * * *

In England, not long ago, when a large telescope was levelled to observe
the moon, the observer was astounded to see what he took to be some new
animal in this lovely planet. Everybody was excited about the marvellous
appearance. Something had occurred up above there which, without doubt,
must betoken great changes of some sort. Who could tell but that all the
dreadful wars that were then convulsing Europe had not been caused by
it? The king, who patronised the sciences, hastened to the observatory
to see the sight, and see it he did. There was the monster right

And what was it after all?--Nothing but a poor little mouse that had by
some unlucky chance got in between the lenses of the telescope. Here was
the cause of all the devastating wars! Everybody laughed....



(BOOK VII.--No. 15)
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