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The Original Fables of La Fontaine - Rendered into English Prose by Fredk. Colin Tilney by Jean de La Fontaine
page 40 of 95 (42%)


(BOOK VIII.--No. 15)

An uncommonly small rat was watching an uncommonly big elephant and
sneering at the slowness of his steps.

The enormous animal was heavily laden. On his back rose a three-storied
howdah, wherein were accommodated a celebrated sultana, her dog, her
cat, her monkey, her parrot, her old servant, and all her household.
They were going upon a pilgrimage.

The rat wondered why all the people should express astonishment at
seeing this enormous bulk--"As if the fact of occupying more or less
space implied that one was the more or less important accordingly! What
is it you admire in him, you men? If it is only the weight of his body
which fills the children with terror, then we rats, small as we are,
consider ourselves not one grain less than the elephant." He would have
said more; but the cat, bounding out of her cage, let him see in an
instant that a rat is not an elephant.


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