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The Original Fables of La Fontaine - Rendered into English Prose by Fredk. Colin Tilney by Jean de La Fontaine
page 66 of 95 (69%)
believes himself the hated of the gods, let him consider Hecuba,[13] and
he will render thanks for their clemency.


[Footnote 13: Hecuba was the wife of Priam, King of Troy. When that city
fell Hecuba was chosen by Ulysses as part of his share in the spoils.
She was changed into a dog for avenging the death of her son whose eyes
had been put out by the King of Thracia, and she finally ended her life
by casting herself into the sea.]



(BOOK X.--No. 15)

When I have noticed how man acts at times, and how, in a thousand ways,
he comports himself just as the lower animals do, I have often said to
myself that the lord of these lower orders has no fewer faults than his

Nature has allowed every living thing a drop or two from the fount at
which the spirits of all creatures imbibe.

I will prove what I say.
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