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The Original Fables of La Fontaine - Rendered into English Prose by Fredk. Colin Tilney by Jean de La Fontaine
page 69 of 95 (72%)
the heart of the youthful Olympian. Everything that passion could
inspire--delicate sentiments full of tenderness, tears, and sighs--all
were there: he forgot nothing. As a son of Jupiter he would by right of
birth be dowered with greater gifts than the sons of other gods; and it
seemed as though all his behaviour were prompted by the reminiscence
that he had indeed already been a lover in some former state, so well
did he play the part.

Nevertheless, it was Jupiter's wish that the boy should be taught, and
assembling the gods in council he said, "So far, I have never been at
fault in the conduct of the universe which I have ruled unaided; but
there are various charges which I now have decided to distribute amongst
the younger gods. This beloved child of mine I have already counted
upon. He is of my own blood and many an altar already flames in his
honour. Yet to merit his rank among the immortals it is necessary that
he should possess all knowledge."

As the god of the thunders ceased the whole assembly applauded. As for
the boy himself, he did not appear to be above the wish to learn

"I undertake," said Mars, the god of war, "to teach him the art by which
so many heroes have won the glories of Olympus and extended the empire."

"I will be his master in the art of the lyre," promised the fair and
learned Apollo.

"And I," said Hercules with the lion's-skin, "will teach him how to
overcome Vice and quell evil passions, those poisonous monsters which
like Hydras[15] are ever reborn in the heart. A foe to effeminate
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