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The Original Fables of La Fontaine - Rendered into English Prose by Fredk. Colin Tilney by Jean de La Fontaine
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different times of his life. Many were new versions of existing fables;
but those of his later years were more often original inventions.

All in this book are of La Fontaine's own invention, although several
have since appeared in collections of Æsop's fables without the
acknowledgment that is La Fontaine's due.

He died on April 13, 1695, at the age of seventy-three.




(BOOK I.--No. 4)

There were two heavily-laden mules making a journey together. One was
carrying oats and the other bore a parcel of silver money collected from
the people as a tax upon salt. This, we learn, was a tax which produced
much money for the government, but it bore very hard upon the people,
who revolted many times against it.

The mule that carried the silver was very proud of his burden, and would
not have been relieved of it if he could. As he stepped out he took care
that the bells upon his harness should jingle well as became a mule of
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