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A Sea Queen's Sailing by Charles W. (Charles Watts) Whistler
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A Sea Queen's Sailing
by Charles W. Whistler


Chapter 1: The Old Chief And The Young.
Chapter 2: Men Of Three Kingdoms.
Chapter 3: The Ship Of Silence.
Chapter 4: By Sea And Fire.
Chapter 5: Vision And Pursuit.
Chapter 6: A Sea Queen's Champions.
Chapter 7: The Treasure Of The King.
Chapter 8: Storm And Salvage.
Chapter 9: The Isle Of Hermits.
Chapter 10: Planning And Learning.
Chapter 11: The Summons Of The Beacons.
Chapter 12: With Sail And Oar.
Chapter 13: Athelstane's Foster Son.
Chapter 14: Dane And Irishman.
Chapter 15: The Torque And Its Wearer.
Chapter 16: In Old Norway.
Chapter 17: Homeward Bound.
Chapter 18: A Sea Queen's Welcome.

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