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Vellenaux - A Novel by Edmund William Forrest
page 103 of 234 (44%)
an airing--and attracted by the beauty of the scene, she started to walk
home, thinking of the pleasure of meeting Arthur. Her mind was engaged
on this subject when she reached a Date grove, a short distance from the
road side, and so busy was she with her thoughts, she had not noticed
that for the past few minutes she had been followed by a tall, burly
mussulman, and he came upon her before she was aware of his presence.
Without a word of warning, he threw his long arms around her waist, and
endeavored to drag or carry her to the Date grove. There could be no
mistaking his intentions, and he would no doubt have succeeded in
carrying out his villainous design--for the terrified girl was in a half
fainting condition, and unable from the suddenness of the attack, to
offer much resistance--when Arthur Carlton, who had been attracted to
the spot by her shrieks and cries for help, came to the rescue. He had
called at the Bungalow, and learning where she might be found, had set
out in search of her, and arrived just in time. The ruffian managed to
make good his escape, not, however, before he had received several
marks of Arthur's favor from the horsewhip he carried. He then supported
the still, trembling girl home, and she soon forgot, in his society, the
danger which had menaced her.

Exasperated beyond measure at so rare an occurrence as the attack made
on his beloved Edith, he at once sought the aid of the police, and from
the description given they soon succeeded in tracing the offender, who
proved to be a Subaltern of the native cavalry. The affair was reported
to head quarters, and a court of enquiry was summoned which resulted in
the court martial and dismissal from service of the blackguard, who
immediately left the station, vowing to have his revenge on Carlton,
should ever an opportunity occur for so doing, and this, with a
Mahammedan means mischief, for they never rest in their endeavors to
effect a purpose.
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