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Vellenaux - A Novel by Edmund William Forrest
page 105 of 234 (44%)
The principal festival, and the one most religiously kept of all the
holidays among the true believers--as the followers of Mahomet style
themselves--is that of the Moharum, which lasts ten days, commencing
from the appearance of the new moon, in the month of November, during
which time handsome temples and mosques are constructed of bamboo and
paper, and embellished with glass, paint and gilding. On the last day
they are carried in grand procession through the public thoroughfares,
proceeded by a band of music and accompanied by an immense concourse of
spectators. Many of the faithful prostrate themselves before these
Taboots, and in many instances rolling over and over in the muddy
streets for a considerable distance, being generally well primed with
bang or opium. There are occasional disturbances between the fanatics of
the different castes, for many of these work themselves up to a pitch of
frenzy by the use of narcotics and other stimulants, but the Government
always take steps to prevent any serious outbreak, by having the troops
posted in different parts of the town, ready to turn out at a moment's
notice, and a strong body of police mounted and on foot accompany the
procession to enforce order. At sunset they reach the river, and the
day's proceedings terminate by the Taboots being thrown into the water,
amid the shouts, gesticulation and vociferations of the now thoroughly
excited populace.

The Dewally Festival is equally recognized by natives of all castes and
denominations as a sort of New Year's Day. Accounts for the past year
are closed, and new books are opened. The dirt and rubbish of the past
twelvemonth is removed, the houses thoroughly cleansed and at night the
city or town is illuminated with lamps, Chinese lanterns, and other
descriptions of lights, and the houses thrown open for general

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