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Vellenaux - A Novel by Edmund William Forrest
page 110 of 234 (47%)

The worthy judge was retrenching. His expenses were scarcely one fourth
of what they had been at the Presidency. He had attained his object, and
all things for the time being _couleur de rose_.

"Come here pretty one," said he as he noticed Edith dismounting, after
her usual ride around the race course and band stand, one beautiful
evening. "Listen! here is something in the papers that will greatly
interest you, or I am much mistaken." Edith was soon at his side, all
attention, when the gentleman proceeded to read as follows:--"Extract
from general orders. His Excellency the Commander in Chief has been
pleased to appoint Lieutenant Arthur Carlton, H.M. Light Dragoons, to
act as A.D.C. on the staff of General D----, at Goolampore. That officer
will proceed and assume his duties at that station forthwith." Edith
could not conceal her joy at this unexpected event, and retired to her
chamber in a flutter of agitation, but happier in heart than she had
been for many months past.

It was the anniversary of Her Majesty's birthday, and, as was customary
at all military stations, it was celebrated by a military display in the
morning, theatricals, and a supper and ball at night. The Assembly
rooms, as they were called at Goolampore, were built by Government. It
was a building of considerable length, divided into three rooms, eighty
feet long, by forty feet wide. The end one was fitted up in very
handsome style as a theatre, the other two communicating with it by
means of enormous folding doors, and were used on ordinary occasions by
the military department for holding courts martial, courts of enquiry,
committees, &c. The other was at the disposal of the political agents or
chief magistrate to transact such business as they might deem necessary.
But on such occasions as the present, or others of a similar character,
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