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Vellenaux - A Novel by Edmund William Forrest
page 125 of 234 (53%)
staff; I who have nothing but my pay to depend on and no interest at the
Horse Guards to push me on in the service?" and his thoughts flew back
to Vellenaux, Sir Jasper Coleman and Edith Effingham. As her image
crossed his mind his countenance brightened, and his spirits rose. "Yes,
I will rejoin my regiment. She must return to Rutlaum in a day or two. I
will see her to-morrow and beg her to allow me to be her escort, that I
think she will not refuse; and when I get my troop I will seek her hand,
for her heart I know is mine already." He was aroused from his reverie
by the sudden stopping of his horse, and on looking up found that he had
arrived at the gate of the Compound which surrounded his dwelling.
Immediately on entering he summoned his butler, and gave him
instructions to pack up everything without delay, and to start with his
baggage and the other servants at an early hour on the following
morning, _en route_ for Rutlaum; to halt at the first Dawk Bungalow he
came to, and that he would follow on horseback in the evening. Then
calling Pedro, a Portuguese, who had entered his service on his first
arrival in India as a Kitmagar or Valet, he dispatched him to the Bazaar
to procure from the Kotwell the necessary hackarries, or baggage carts
and cattle; then, after enjoying several puffs from his hookah, he flung
himself on a lounge to snatch what sleep he could before the grey dawn
of day appeared. He was aroused at an early hour by the hurried entrance
of his Portuguese servant who, after carefully closing the door,
communicated the following startling intelligence: It appears that
Pedro, after executing the commission entrusted to him, called on a
friend in the Bazaar, who, like himself, was a Christian, to bid him
farewell, and remained for two or three hours; that on his way home he
heard voices in the angle of a small compound, which excited his
curiosity. Approaching the spot noiselessly, through a hole in the
prickly pear hedge he, by the light of the moon, saw four persons
conversing together, two of whom he recognized; one was a Jemidar of
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