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Vellenaux - A Novel by Edmund William Forrest
page 128 of 234 (54%)
it. Advancing as rapidly as the narrow path and thickly interwoven
underbrush would admit of, they soon left the station far behind them.
At the foot of an eminence they emerged from the cover of the woods, and
struck into the highroad that wound round the hill in front of them.
This they ascended at a gentle canter, for Arthur was too good a rider
to push his horses at the commencement of a journey, in which both speed
and endurance might be required before its termination. His intention
was, if possible, to reach Rutlaum; should he fail in this he must reach
some station on the sea coast before night-fall, and place Edith under
the protection of the officer commanding such post, until he could
arrange for a passage for her to Bombay. On arriving at the crest of the
hill, they turned to take a parting look at the pretty little station,
where, for so many weeks, they had been supremely happy in the enjoyment
of each others society, and framing projects for their union, at some
future period, when the young Lieutenant should have advanced
sufficiently in his profession to warrant that consummation so devoutly
to be wished for.

Lurid flames and thick dark smoke shot up from many a burning Bungalow,
while the roar of Artillery and discharge of musketry, convinced the
fugitives that the conflict was still going on between the defenders of
the Fort and the miscreants who vainly endeavoured to effect an entrance
in order to put to death any Europeans who had taken shelter within its
walls. Parties of Sepoys were looting the Bazaars and residences of the
European officers of whatever they could lay their hands upon, while the
cavalry, both regular and irregular, were riding hither and thither in
search of Christian men, women, or children, who might have been
unfortunate enough not to have gained admission to the Fort, or make
good their escape from the fated place ere it was too late.

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