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Vellenaux - A Novel by Edmund William Forrest
page 143 of 234 (61%)
"They are but three to one, the pack of mutinous scoundrels, and cannot
resist our charge five minutes, and must go down before well-tried
sabres," cried Carlton, springing into his saddle, and taking the lead,
saying, as he did so, "Point out the way we should take, my good girl,
and what courage, brave hearts, and trusty swords can effect, shall be
done to rescue your friends from the terrible fate which, doubtless,
awaits them."

"When you reach that single tree on the crest of yonder hill,"
indicating with her right hand the direction to be taken, "you will come
in sight of the place, where this villainous outrage has been
committed; your own judgment will then tell you what is best to be
done," she replied, evidently strengthened and refreshed by the wine she
had taken, and the comforting assurance held out to her by Arthur and
his companions. These words had scarcely passed her lips when, applying
the spur vigorously, the whole party, with one exception, dashed off in
the direction indicated. Captain Crosby of the artillery, who had not
started with the rest, feeling somewhat anxious for the poor girl's
safety--alone as she would be shortly in that dense jungle, for every
Sabre would be needed in the coming onslaught--approaching her, said
kindly and gently, "and you; what is to become of you? what will you do,
or where can you go?" "Oh, do not think of me," she replied, "I can
retrace my steps the way I came, alone and unassisted," moving a few
steps in that direction. "But stay one moment," said Crosby; "take this
it may assist you in clearing a pathway through the thicket and
underbrush," handing her, as he spoke, his long hunting knife. Raising
her beautiful eyes to his, with a look of thankfulness, she accepted the
weapon. In another instant, the ringing of horses' hoofs, now growing
fainter in the distance, told her that help was hastening on to where
help was most required.
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