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Vellenaux - A Novel by Edmund William Forrest
page 15 of 234 (06%)

"They are in the usual place, on your desk," answered the youth,
re-commencing his work. The Attorney moved away and entered his private
office, and seating himself in his old leathern chair, commenced in a
methodical way to open and peruse his letters.

Ralph Coleman commenced life with very fair prospects. He came of a good
old family and had received a University education, and studied for the
Bar very assiduously for three or four years, but on the death of his
father he came in for five thousand pounds. He then neglected his
profession, and, for a time, led a very fast life in London. When he had
run through about half of his money he went abroad, and while there
married a lady who had a tolerable fortune. They travelled together over
the European Continent, and for several years enjoyed what is termed

An accident happened to Mrs. Coleman in Switzerland which resulted in
her death. Ralph being again alone in the world, as it were, entered
into all the wild dissipations of Vienna and Paris, which ended in his
ruin; and he returned to England with only a five pound note between him
and beggary. As the cousin and only male relative of Sir Jasper Coleman,
he was heir to the Baronetcy but not to the property. This was
unentailed, and at the will of the Baronet; but should he die intestate
the whole would fall to Ralph.

But the hope of succeeding to the estate banished, or was at least, to
a considerable extent, quashed, when he learned that Miss Effingham had
been adopted by her uncle, and that likewise he had made a protégé of
the son of his old friend Eustace Carlton, and would no doubt eventually
make a will in their favor; but so far as he could learn, up to the
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