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Vellenaux - A Novel by Edmund William Forrest
page 152 of 234 (64%)
garrisoned than he has any idea of. Listen to my story, you will then
see that I have it in my power to render your General a very great
service if permitted to do so."

"Speak on," responded Arthur, getting somewhat interested, and seating
himself on a bag of tent pegs, the the only apology for a seat the tent

The youth then proceeded with his story, from which it appeared that,
about five weeks previous, a party of cavalry Sowas, regular and
irregular, who had deserted their regiments, had arrived at the village
in which the speaker and his father, who was a mounted police patell,
resided. While there, the emissaries of the Begum of Runjetpoora, who
had established herself at Laurieghur, and was organizing a force and
getting together supplies of ammunition, provisions, etc., with the
intention of making a raid on Runjetpoora and looting it, had made
overtures to this party, and promised them high pay and a share of the
plunder if they would join her. This they had accepted, and some of the
men of the village, the father and son included, had cast in their lots
with the mutineers and entered the fort; but, dissatisfied with being so
long cooped up within its walk, and seeing no prospect of immediate
plunder, had attempted to leave the place, but were prevented from so
doing by the Begum's order. In sullen silence they received this
injunction, but determined to escape when opportunity offered. That one
day while he, (the prisoner) was passing through the ruins of a deserted
palace, he had discovered the entrance to a subterraneous passage,
leading under the walls and coming out about a quarter of a mile from
the fort. This he had communicated to his comrades, and the following
morning ere it was light, the party, led by himself, made good their
retreat, and keeping within the jungle for some miles, came upon the
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