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Vellenaux - A Novel by Edmund William Forrest
page 160 of 234 (68%)
you: this I grant is true, but it has been forced upon me; I felt that
the eyes of the world were upon us, watching our actions. Your constant
residence here has been talked of and cavelled at by some of the
neighboring families, who have not recovered from the surprise they felt
on hearing that Sir Jasper had died intestate and left his orphan niece
unprovided for. It was to prevent exposure that I have thus acted
towards you, and I believe that I have effectually succeeded, and now I
acknowledge that the charm of your society has become almost
indispensable to me, and I will no longer be held back by the world's
opinion. Listen to my proposal, accept it or reject it as you will, I
make it with all sincerity. Place the will of the late baronet in my
hands, and before this day month you shall be my wife and mistress of
the the manor."

"And should I survive you," she said, "Vellenaux and its broad lands--"

"Reverts to Miss Effingham on condition that she allows you five
thousand per annum and a suite of apartments in the west wing, during
the remainder of your life, which you can have fitted up to suit your
taste and convenience without delay, in case the contingency you mention
should arise sooner than I anticipate."

"And this you swear to fulfil to the letter," she replied, advancing
nearer and fixing her eyes upon him as if to read his inmost thoughts.

"On the day after our marriage I will cause a will to be drawn to that
effect, this I swear to do by the honor of knighthood."

Her countenance lit up and there was a sparkling brilliancy in her large
black eyes as she said, "I believe you--wait a few seconds and I will
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