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Vellenaux - A Novel by Edmund William Forrest
page 167 of 234 (71%)

"Let me have a horse and I will go myself and get what I require;
Captain Carlton will remain until I return," and the young surgeon was
soon on his way at a hand gallop. In the meantime the good people of the
farm were doing all in their power to render the sufferings of their
wounded guest as little painful as possible; and every attention was
shown him. He spoke but little; but several times asked for Carlton, and
on seeing him only repeated, "Do not leave me yet, Arthur, I may have
something to say concerning you and Miss Effingham."

In less time than could have been expected, Draycott returned,
accompanied by the best surgeon in Fallowfield, the rector, and a lawyer
of good standing in that town. Again the patient was examined, after
which a consultation was held in the farmer's parlour, which lasted
about a quarter of an hour; the medical men then returned to the

The Baronet scrutinized their features narrowly as they re-entered the
room. "Oh!" said he, breathing with intense difficulty, "I see there is
no hope for me; but tell me frankly, how long is it your opinion that I
can live?"

"Doctor Draycott and myself," replied the surgeon from Fallowfield--who
being much the senior took the lead--"deem it expedient that you should
send for your man of business as soon as possible," thus evading the
direct question.

Ralph passed his hand across his brow and remained silent a few moments.
"You may do so, but it is too late I am afraid. Get the nearest lawyer
you can, but be quick for my strength is failing fast, and send Captain
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