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Vellenaux - A Novel by Edmund William Forrest
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am going to Devonshire, but will return the day after to-morrow; you
will find your instructions on my desk, and now give me the deeds; and
remember, should any one enquire for me tell them I am gone to the
country on business, and shall be back the day after to-morrow," and
without farther comment, Ralph Coleman passed out of the office.

It was a still, calm night in early autumn, the silvery moon looked down
from her deep violet throne amidst the starry heavens; the dull, heavy
sound made by the mighty ocean, as its huge waves were dashed upon the
sea-beat shore, fell audibly on the ear in the silent night. A light sea
breeze swept through the furze bushes that were scattered over the
Downs, across which lay the high road leading past the Park.

Bridoon, the old gate keeper, was seated on his wooden settle within the
porch of the lodge, smoking a long clay pipe, and occasionally quaffing
long draughts of rare old cider. He was just thinking of turning in for
the night, when a vehicle stopped, and a voice demanded admittance. As
the gates swung open a gig and its occupant passed through and proceeded
at a smart pace along the broad avenue towards the mansion.

The clock of the village church was striking ten as Ralph Coleman
pulled up at the principal entrance of Vellenaux, and was met in the
hall by Reynolds the old butler, and conducted to the room he usually
occupied when visiting there during the shooting season.

"Sir Jasper," said the old servant, "has retired for the night, and Miss
Effingham is on a visit to the Willows, but Mrs. Fraudhurst is, I
believe, still in the drawing room; will you please to step in there
until supper is prepared for you." This suited the lawyer exactly, as he
wished to have a few minutes conversation with that lady previous to
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