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Vellenaux - A Novel by Edmund William Forrest
page 176 of 234 (75%)
effects on board on his return call. This had been so quietly
managed--no agent or go between employed--that no person, not even the
landlord of the hotel, was aware of her intentions. He was under the
impression that the lady, who occupied two of the best rooms in his
house, would in all probability remain there for the rest of the
summer. This he judged from what she had let fall during a conversation
he had had with her an hour after her arrival, and the worthy man was
quite taken aback when she paid her bill, and leaning on the arm of
Captain Costigan, left his establishment, to take up her quarters on
board the good ship, now lying with her anchor apeak in the offing.

From the quarter deck of the "Kaffir Chief," towards the close of that
beautiful summer day, could be seen a magnificent panoramic view of one
of the finest harbors in Europe, with the purple-tinted hills of Munster
in the distance, and the iron-bound coast standing boldly out on either
side, and beaten with the surges which impetuously dashed against the
rugged steeps. In stormy weather the billows rolled in from the dark
ocean in long arching waves, bursting with a deafening noise on the
beething cliffs, and scattering the salt spray hundreds of feet in the
air. Then again met the eye the fortifications on Spike Island, Convict
Depot, Carlisle Fort, Light House, Camden Fort, Black Point, and the
handsome City of Cork, with its bustling streets and its quays and
docks, crowded with vessels of all nations, presenting a picture well
worth travelling miles to behold. But what a bright change has come over
the spirit of the age, since the days of Elizabeth and religious
persecution, when Cork was made a howling wilderness, because its
inhabitants refused to attend the Protestant places of worship as
ordered by law. Verily, in every country, and in every age, mad
fanaticism has played such pranks before high heaven as to make even the
angels weep for poor humanity. But we live in happier times now, and
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