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Vellenaux - A Novel by Edmund William Forrest
page 179 of 234 (76%)
rites over Sir Jasper, did not long survive his old and esteemed friend.
He had been ailing for several months prior to his decease, and had been
assisted in his clerical duties by a Curate, a gentleman of
pre-possessing appearance; about twenty-eight years of age. He appeared
to be eminently qualified for the profession he had chosen, and entered
with spirit and energy upon the various duties that now devolved upon
him; his quiet and unassuming manner gained him the respect of the whole
neighborhood. He read with a clear, distinct tone, and his sermons were
such as had not been heard in Vellenaux for many years. He was always
welcome whenever he visited his parishioners or attended the sick. He
took a very great interest in the Sunday school that had been
inaugurated by Edith who had, on leaving the Willows, transferred that
responsibility to Julia and Emily Barton, and on her sister's marriage
Emily presided over the classes. This just suited one of her tastes and
habits, who was ever ready to perform some errand of mercy to the poor
and the invalid, and was untiring in her efforts to teach the young
children. She had often been thanked by the clergyman for her valuable
assistance, without which, he was wont to observe, he scarcely knew what
he should do.

When the rector was removed from this sublunary sphere, the Rev. Charles
Denham, through the interest of Lord Patronage, whose fag he had been
while at Eton, obtained the vacant rectorship. This was considered by
the good folks of the district to be a fortunate circumstance, and
things went smoothly on as in the good old time. But on the death of her
parents Emily Barton, as the reader already knows, left Vellenaux to
reside in London. The Rev. gentleman did not know which way to turn; he
was sorely puzzled; he had depended so much on Emily that he began to
think seriously of the possibility of being able to induce Miss Barton
to exchange that name for the one of Denham. This matter had been
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