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Vellenaux - A Novel by Edmund William Forrest
page 192 of 234 (82%)
sparkling black eyes, and well modulated voice fascinated him, as no
woman as yet ever had done. She was not young, it is true; but this he
regarded as fortunate. She was still some years younger than Sir
Lexicon; but as to who or what she was he was a stranger; but this he
was determined to ascertain if possible, and betook himself on deck for
the purpose. As the professional duties of the Captain called him for a
time away, he took his place beside the lady and endeavoured to interest
her in his conversation. He found her charmingly condescending, and
apparently frank and friendly in her remarks, and after about an hour's
chit chat allowed him to conduct her to her state room.

Poor Captain Costigan had been killed by a falling spar and knocked
overboard. The remainder of the crew and passengers that had been
rescued from their precarious situation on the wreck had been on board
the "Great Mogul" about a couple of weeks, when she let go her anchor in
Table Bay. These, with the exception of Mrs. Grenville, went on shore in
the first boat that came off to the ship. She, that morning, had an
interview with Captain Hanstein, and some hours after the others had
left, the obliging Captain took her ashore in his own boat, in which
also sat Sir Lexicon Chutny. He put up at the same hotel as Mrs.
Grenville, and was seen escorting her about Cape Town.

The "Mogul" remained only two days at the Cape, then resumed her voyage,
and Mrs. Grenville, the Captain, and Sir Lexicon Chutny, could be seen
pacing her quarterdeck as she sailed out of the bay, unquestionably
enjoying, with much pleasure, the clear, balmy, and exhilarating breeze
of the early day, which, with the assistance of the sun's rays, was
lifting from the table land on the summit of the great mountain, called
occasionally Table Rock. A large, heavy, white cloud that frequently
spread itself over the whole surface, resembling very much in appearance
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