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Vellenaux - A Novel by Edmund William Forrest
page 195 of 234 (83%)
There were other passengers on board, but, as they are in no way
connected with our story, it would be needless to particularize them.

On the vessel reaching her destination, the gallant Captain mastered up
courage, and boldly and in a straightforward manner, asked Mrs.
Grenville to become his wife. The lady listened to him with polite
attention, and said in reply:

"Captain Hanstein, I should be very sorry if any act of mine has led you
to believe that I looked upon you in any other light than that of a
friend, from whom I have received many acts of kindness. I regret to
pain you by a refusal, but it must be so, for I now tell you in strict
confidence that I am engaged to Sir Lexicon Chutny." Then with a smile
and a graceful bend of the head, she left the bewildered Captain to his
own reflections; and shortly after, attended by Sir Lexicon, quitted the

After a sufficient time for procuring all the necessary paraphernalia
considered indispensable on such occasions had elapsed, the marriage was
celebrated in the Cathedral at Madras, and the ambitious views of the
mercenary woman were at length realized. "She could" she thought "play
the great lady in Pallamcotta, and somewhat astonish the good folks at
the Capital by the brilliancy of her entertainments periodically, for
Sir Lexicon, although self-indulgent, was by no means of a miserly turn,
and would, for a time at least, feel a certain pleasure at the
admiration that would be excited by the splendour of her ladyship's

Their stay at the Capital, on this occasion, was but of short duration,
as Sir Lexicon was anxious to return to Pallamcotta to finally arrange
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