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Vellenaux - A Novel by Edmund William Forrest
page 22 of 234 (09%)
estate, so of the two, I fancy that you have rather the best of the
bargain." And after a little more conversation on the subject, this
worthy pair parted.

And now let us introduce the youth whose future welfare had been the
difficulty about which the widow and Ralph had given themselves so much

A tall, slight, but decidedly handsome youth, between eighteen and
nineteen years of age, wearing the Collegiate cap and gown, was pacing
somewhat impatiently up and down the quadrangle of St. John's College,
evidently expecting the approach of some person whom he was most
desirous of seeing. This was Arthur Carlton, the protégé of Sir Jasper
Coleman. He was an orphan, having lost both parents 'ere he knew them.
His father had been a Peninsular officer and companion-in-arms of the
Baronet, who, on the death of his friend, undertook to see to the
education and future welfare of the little Arthur. On losing his mother
he had been removed under the care of his nurse to Vellenaux, where he
had been only a few months, when the little Edith made her appearance on
the scene of action, and being nearly of an age they soon became good
friends and fond of the society of each other, because of mutual
assistance while pursuing their studies together, which they continued
to do until young Carlton was by his kind patron sent to school, prior
to his going to college at Oxford. Fond of study, he readily acquired
knowledge which he stored up to be used hereafter as circumstances might
demand; he was aware of his real position, and that his future success
in life must chiefly depend upon his own exertions.

His patron in caring for him during his early years, and giving him the
benefit of a university education, had, in the young man's opinion,
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