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Vellenaux - A Novel by Edmund William Forrest
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"Certainly, most certainly. I perfectly understand, ah you sly dog;
after the pretty heiress are you? I admire your choice, and would I
think take the field against you, but for my darling cousin Kate, she
will not allow me to flirt with any but herself, so I will do my best
for you."

Arthur thanked him heartily, and after a few more words the friends
parted, one for his home at the Willows, the other for his small room in
the college.

Tom Barton kept his promise, and the packet was duly handed to Edith by
him, he having met her walking in the home park the very day of his


The time for Arthur's leaving College had now arrived. A few brief lines
from Sir Jasper, informing him that he was to leave College at the end
of this term for good, but in no way hinting what his future position
through life might be, with a small note enclosed from Edith, was all
that he had heard from Devonshire since his friend, Tom Barton, had left
Oxford; but it was evident from the tone of the Baronet's epistle that
he expected him to make Vellenaux his home, at least for the present or
until some arrangements could be made for his future.

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