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Vellenaux - A Novel by Edmund William Forrest
page 36 of 234 (15%)
Vellenaux was considered the most suitable for the purpose of a Fancy
Dress Ball. There had not been anything of the kind within a circuit of
fifty miles, for at least as many years. The grand old hall, with its
banners and knightly armour of different periods, the magnificent
apartments filled with curiously carved antique furniture, ancient
mirrors and embroidered tapestries, all of which would harmonize with
the costumes of those who would figure about for the _nonce_. Of course
the characters to be assumed were to be kept a secret until they
appeared in the ball room. Edith entered with enthusiasm into all the
arrangements necessary on the occasion, and was materially assisted by
the good taste and judgment of Arthur, to whom she turned for counsel
when at fault as to the grouping of statuary or position of pictures,
and the _toute ensemble_ of the _salle-a-manger_.

The spacious old picture gallery with its Gothic windows of stained
glass was fitted up as the dancing hall. The statuary armour, banners,
and ancient weapons of past generations had been brought from the Hall
and placed in different positions along the oak pannelled walls, while
large bunches of dark green holly with the bright scarlet berries,
peeping out here and there was hung between the antique pictures of
brave Knights and fair Dames, ancestors of the Coleman family, that
seemed to look down from their massive frames upon the fantastic scenes
below. The oaken floor was covered with a cloth, figured to represent a
tesselated pavement. At the upper end a dais had been erected,
surmounted by an antique chair of state, with several others of the same
description, but smaller on each side. The orchestra was in a small
gallery that crossed the hall at the lower end, the whole brilliantly
illuminated by three massive chandeliers, the adjoining apartments were
arranged as refreshment and supper rooms.

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