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Vellenaux - A Novel by Edmund William Forrest
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column, are they not? and who is that cavalry officer?"

"Cornet Carlton, Light Dragoons, your Excellency; the same officer who
saved your Excellency's despatch and my life, that I mentioned to you
some half hour since," was the earnest reply, of one of the aides.
"Gallant fellow, bravely done, only a Cornet, must have his
Lieutenancy, Hargraves, see that I do not forget this in my despatches
to the Government to-morrow." Then, turning to his Chief of Staff, said,
"Give orders for the Dragoons and Light Artillery to pursue for half an
hour. The enemy is beaten at all points, and get the Infantry under
canvass with as little delay as possible." "The action is over," said
the Commander-in-chief, closing his field glass, and with his staff left
the ground. And thus, after two days hard fighting, the name of
Chillianwalla was added to the list of victories that has been
emblazoned on the page of history, showing the prowess and valour of
British troops in India, and the name of Arthur Carlton was added to the
list of Lieutenants borne on the muster roll of the Light Dragoons.

It is not our intention to take the reader over the battle fields of
Peshawa, suffice it to say that our Dragoon, with his regiment, scoured
the plains of the Punjaub up to the very mouth of the Iron Kybre itself,
which had proved fatal to so many of our gallant countrymen.

A group of officers had assembled around the withered and charred stump
of a large tree, chatting and smoking, the ruddy glare of the
neighboring camp fire throwing its fitful light upon the uniform and
accoutrements of the little party, showing them to be no other than our
old friends of H.M. Light Dragoons, waiting for the order to commence
their morning's march.

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