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Vellenaux - A Novel by Edmund William Forrest
page 64 of 234 (27%)
favour, but as her uncle's kinsman, and being heir to the Baronetcy, her
deportment to him had ever been polite and affable, but subsequently his
attentions became so marked that they aroused her to a sense of his real
meaning. Yet she could scarcely bring herself to believe that such was
really the case, and but for the delicate hints and inuendos that
occasionally fell from the double dealing widow, she would, there is no
doubt, have remained for a much longer time unconvinced of his
intentions towards her. However, time was passing on and Ralph made up
his mind to bring matters to the point. One lovely afternoon, as he was
entering the conservatory, he espied the fluttering of a woman's dress
among the shrubs and flowers, and on coming nearer, though still at some
little distance, perceived a lady walking slowly and as if in deep
thought. Feeling quite certain that it was no other than the one he was
in quest of, and thanking the fates for giving him the long wished for
opportunity, he advanced more quickly and was soon beside Edith (for she
it proved to be) before she was aware that any one was near. Turning,
with something of a surprised look on her lovely face, she exclaimed,
"Oh, how you startled me. I thought you were on the way to London. I am
quite amazed to find you here."

"I hope my presence is not distasteful to you," he said, gently, at the
same time lifting his hat and bowing low before her. He really cared
nothing for the beautiful girl at his side, for he was thoroughly
selfish; nor did he care by what means or how low he had to stoop to
gain possession of the object wished for.

Edith, knowing her own feelings, and not wishing to say aught to hurt
or offend him more than was actually necessary, scarcely knew how to
answer him, disliking him as she did. Still she had nothing to complain
of, for he had ever paid her the most marked respect. Before she could
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