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Vellenaux - A Novel by Edmund William Forrest
page 76 of 234 (32%)
matured, and was now carrying out.

Fortunately for her the Rector and Sir Jasper's lawyer and general
business agent were at the time with the Doctor in his surgery,
consulting on some Parish business and without a moment's delay they
proceeded to Vellenaux, the Rector riding with Mrs. Fraudhurst, whose
appearance and conduct were well suited to the occasion.

Life was pronounced extinct, and the cause of death was supposed to be a
sudden attack of his old complaint, disease of the heart. The lawyer, in
the presence of all, placed seals on the escritoire and doors of the
study immediately after the body had been transferred to the bedchamber,
and wrote to Ralph Coleman, as the only male relation of the late
Baronet, acquainting him with what had occurred, and it was not long
before that gentleman presented himself at Vellenaux.


The morning prior to the funeral it pleased Mrs. Fraudhurst, on meeting
Ralph Coleman in the long corridor, to request that worthy individual to
grant her a private interview in the general library at eleven o'clock,
precisely, the lawyer bowed in the affirmative and passed on.

At the time appointed the widow, in very deep but fashionable mourning,
entered the library by one door, and a few minutes later the new baronet
presented himself at another. After closing it he advanced to the centre
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